Hello everyone. It's been awhile since our last update, but not a whole lot has changed. Blade has developed quite a nack for playing frisbee however. He absolutely loves to run and gets so excited that he has been known to make grass fly! Blade is still a big mush ball, and lays next to anyone that is sitting on the couch.
As far as his training goes, he has started to heel very well. He just needs to be reminded every once and awhile that he needs to walk near us. We have worked a little bit on "brace" and boy is he strong. Just by pushing on his shoulders you can feel his entire body tense up, which is a really good thing. The "watch me" command is going pretty good for him. It's funny when he starts chasing his tail, and you say "watch me" and he just stops and stares at you. The other parts of his training are going very well. Blade knows what he is supposed to do, it's just a matter of doing it consistently with him.
Well that's about all. Hope all of you are doing well and having a great summer!!