Hello Everybody!!! Sorry, it has been quite awhile since my last update but that is only because it has been incredibly busy around here! Blade is doing very well, and is starting to learn new things. He has currently learned that snow is pretty cool! He loves to run in it and likes to eat the snow that he kicks up in the air. Its pretty entertaining to watch.
We have started to bring him to church (he has now been there 4 times) and does very well there. Except for the 1st 2 times he jumped up onto our seats. It's funny that at the end of church people come up to us and tell us they didn't realize there was dog at church until we walked up for communion! Otherwise he just lays on the nice cool ground sleeping.
One of his other field trips has been going to the Girls State Swim Meet at the U of M. Blade was lucky enough to meet two of the U of M coaches and get his picture taken with them.
In the other parts of his training, he is doing very well. With no problem at all he can pick up a coin, credit card, paper clip, etc. He also is learning to rise and touch the handicap button on doors. We are working on tug, and he is getting better. He doesn't like to use his strength to pull the drawer open. What he does is gently pull the string, making the drawer barely come out. He is also working on nudge. He loves doing this command, but I haven't figured out why!
Blade is constantly getting compliments on how handsome he is. He always draws a crowd of people wanting to know more, and pet him. It will not be to long until we have to tell people they can't pet him. That will be tough to do! For the most part they know they can't pet him, but are excited when we say it is ok because he is in the socialization stage.
It's amazing on how much of a cuddler he is. Especially when he is tired he will come and lay right by you and then lay all of his weight against you.
Well I guess that would be all for now, I'll try to get another update in after Christmas! Happy Holidays!